Gay Rights = Human Rights

My friend Scott Stratten shared this picture on his Facebook Wall yesterday. As far as I can tell, it was originally uploaded by David Hein (co-writer/Performer at My Mother’s Lesbian Jewish Wiccan Wedding, according to his Facebook page).

Gay Marriage Sign
It seems to be making it’s way around the intertubes the past few days – which is awesome. Why is it awesome? Well, personally, I’m tired of this of the gay marriage debate. In fact, I’m tired of the gay anything discussion. It always seems to become more of an issue around election season. I think that’s because election time is when all of the crazies come out – but I digress.

Let me make something very very clear.

It’s not about Gay Marriage. It’s not about Gay Rights. It’s about HUMAN RIGHTS.

Your sexual preference should not – in any way – limit the rights you have to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Let me repeat:

Gay Rights = Human Rights.

Pass it on.

DJ Waldow