As mentioned in my first two posts (1 and 2) in the inaugural “Thank You” series, this blog focuses on people. It’s all about people.
Similar to Part II, today’s list is dedicated to those individuals whom I’ve never met in real life … but plan on before 2009 is over. However today’s twist is that these folks probably don’t know how much they’ve inspired me. Finally, this list is in no particular order (and may have – unintentionally – left a few people out).
So to the following group of people, I say Merci!
1. Valeria Maltoni – It was only recently I discovered Valeria (I know – where have a been?). Her blog is one of the best out there. I first commented on her unique Twitter avatar (slanted picture) and quickly discovered that her mission is to make those around her smarter and to inspire them to do amazing things. Conversation Agent is one of a handful of blogs I read every single day. Thanks, Valeria!
2. Chris Brogan – I feel like a theme is developing. Chris rocks because not only because he tells it how he sees it, he is also genuine. He listens, engages, and inspires all of the time. I know that I am one of many that Chris has – and will continue to – influence. While I’ve never met Chris in person, thanks to his transparency, I’m confident that my assumptions will hold true. Thanks, Chris!
3. Gary Vaynerchuk – Anyone that has more energy then I do automatically deserves a thank you. Much like others on this list, Gary Vee inspires. He motivates. He practices what he preaches. I’m grateful to Gary for reminding me about being passionate about what I do. And, yes, I’ve pre-ordered my copy of Crushit!. Thanks, Gary Vee!
4. Mack Collier – While I’ve never met Mack, I know that he’s a big Alabama football fan (even though I’m a U of Michigan guy, that’s cool). I also know that Mack sports a cowboy hat in his Twitter avatar. Mack also cares tremendously about helping and interacting with those in his world and on the periphery. I look forward to bear-hugging Mack when I meet him in person. Thanks, Mack!
5. Jason Falls – Jason’s official title is director of interactive and on-line communications at Doe-Anderson. That’s cool. But I know Jason as the dude from Kentucky who has a blog called Social Media Explorer, one I frequent regularly. He’s always pumped out great content and even has some “help” once in awhile from great guest bloggers like Kat French (great intro on this post about Chris Brogan). Speaking of Kat…maybe she should be on this list too. Back to Jason: Really looking forward to meeting him in real life – soon. Thanks, Jason!
6. Seth Godin – Over the past 6 months, I’ve read every one of Seth’s blog posts. I know that I’m not alone in this. Last month, I finished Tribes and just this week I picked it up to read again. Short, sweet, and to the point. Seth continues to provide relevant ideas and memorable analogies. Thanks, Seth!
7. Darren Rowse – As I first started down the path of “full engagement” with Twitter, I looked to Twitip (a fresh “Twitter Tip” every day) for advice. I still bounce around on the blog when I need reminders or new ways of leveraging the power of Twitter. More recently, I saw a tweet from Darren saying that he was “hanging out on Ustream.” I was able to ask him a blog-related question…and he answered in real-time. Wow, right? Thanks, Darren!
The list above is certainly not comprehensive, but definitely includes those that deserve a huge thanks. You all rock in your own, special way…
Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.
DJ Waldow