Amber Naslund, aka Amber Cadabra, and I have been friends for a long time – long in Internet years, of course.
As you can imagine, I was thrilled when she agreed to be the 5th guest on Living Your Passion.

Photo Credit: Ken Yeung (April 12, 2010)
If you follow Amber on Facebook, it would be hard to miss her PASSION: Dogs, specifically rescued dogs and “changing perception people have about pit bulls and bully-type breeds.”
We had so much fun during this episode. Lots of laughing. That’s what it’s all about, right?
In case you missed any of the previous episodes, you can catch them here:
Episode #0: show intro with me blabbing for a few minutes
Episode #1: Jeff Sheldon on Designing Physical Products
Episode #2: Nate Bagley on Love
Episode #3: Tim McDonald on Connecting People with Purpose
Episode #4: Cara Heuser on Pole Dancing
Alright. Amber time!
During this episode …
- We learn how and where Amber and I first me (it may have been at an Awareness event on April 12, 2010, where we were comparing our wrist tatoos – see picture above taken by Ken Yeung).
- Amber talks about how she just quit her job at SideraWorks and hints at her “what’s next”
- Amber shares how she’s always had a love for animals. She’s worked for a vet, volunteered at shelters, rides horses, and more!
- Amber talks about her first dog she adopted from a shelter in 2003 – who just passed away last year.
- Amber talks about her dogs, of course – and how much time she thinks and is around dogs!
- I tell a fun story about my dog, Morocco.
- We discussed “Do What You Love | Love What You Do” – really love her take on this one.
- We talked about PASSION – go figure!
- Our dogs talked to each other … kinda.
More About Amber
Modern marketing and communications exec. Author. Musician. Pittie rescue mama. Equestrian. Word Nerd. I solemnly swear I am up to no good. – See Amber’s Twitter bio.
Links Discussed In This Episode
- My Fond Farewell to SideraWorks – her blog post announcing her departure.
- Find more about Amber on LinkedIn (how cool is her profile picture?), Twitter, Facebook, and her nearly redesigned blog, Brass Tack Thinking (isn’t it purty?)
- Facebook was down! Facebook was down!
- Badrap – learn more about pit bull type dogs and the issues that affect them
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Finally, if you know someone who bleeds passion (or maybe it’s you), please email me at djwaldow at gmail dot com. Oh, and if you have a connection to LeBron James, please let me know. I think he’d be a great person to talk to about his passion for basketball. #DeadSerious