In ‘N Out Burger: What Would You Camp Out For?

What would you camp out overnight for? This was the question posed by Casey Scott from Channel 2 (KUTV), Salt Lake City on the 6AM news on Thursday, November 19th, 2009. Casey asked this to the morning viewers as well as the dozen of us who had just spent the evening in tents and sleeping bags in … [Read more...]

Jessie’s Girl

I just spent 4 days on a boat. Go ahead, sing along... I was fortunate to be one of the nearly 50 people who attended the Social Fresh Cruise. However, while we had an amazing time, we were not the "main attraction." Far from it. A large chunk of the cruisers were part of the Second Annual Rick … [Read more...]

That Department Does Not Communicate Directly With Customers

Nothing is more important than the customer. I've worked in the service industry most of my life. The above statement is true, nearly 100% of the time. I realize that there are times when the customer is wrong, when they are idiots, when you don't want their business or to be associated with them, … [Read more...]

Not Everyone Hates The Dentist

My dad is a dentist. His older brother was as well. So was my grandfather. I broke the family tradition. I knew pretty early on that I would not be a dentist when I cringed at the sight of blood. I'm not sure if it's my family history or something else, but unlike most people, I do not hate the … [Read more...]

Don’t Write About Me

A few weeks ago, I went to Vegas for the Blogworld Expo. The keynote was delivered brilliantly by Chris Brogan (see dude in picture to your right). Dave Thomas, my new friend and really funny/smart guy took some pretty good notes. The one sentence (plea?) that jumped out at me the most was the … [Read more...]

Bear Hugs vs. Handshakes

I've been meeting a lot of people online lately. OK. Reading that sentence above without proper context comes across as a bit creepy. What I meant to say was that thanks in part to my new role as Director of Community at Blue Sky Factory, I've had the opportunity to engage with folks via various … [Read more...]


I first heard the equation P = MBA two years ago when my good friend Eric Boggs wrote about it. Eric's post retells the story of a professor who says that formula is the single most important one they will learn in the two years of business school. After just having graduated with my MBA, I agree … [Read more...]

Does Language Matter?

If you spend any amount of time with me (online or face-to-face), you'll quickly realize that I pretty much have 4 go-to words. Pumped Awesome Love Dude I use them all the time. I mean...really a ton. Do Words Define You? I wouldn't call any of these 4 words professional. I wouldn't say that they … [Read more...]

Always Be Learning: From Theory To Practice

Successful people are always learning. The buzz-phrase you often hear is "lifelong learner." (maybe it should be "2.0 learn" per the picture to the right). While I don't love that saying, it does resonate with me for many reasons. It's Impossible To Know It All The only people who really know it … [Read more...]

Michigan 38, Notre Dame 34: The Reaction Video

Yup. I did it. I made a silly bet a few weeks ago. (Fortunately, for my sake, I won.) Notre Dame vs. Michigan I learned a few months ago that a friend and colleague of mine, a one Mr. Andrew Kordek, pulls for the Notre Dame "Fighting" Irish (quotes intentional). I hate ND. I mean I really don't … [Read more...]