Boggs – Cool Last Name, Cooler People

When I first heard of Eric Boggs, I thought there was a chance he was related to Wade Boggs. (For those that don't know, Wade Boggs is in the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame). How I Met Eric Boggs Rewind 4 years ago. My wife (the K-Dawg) and I had just moved to Durham, NC where she was starting … [Read more...]

How Twitter Helped Me Land My @BlueSkyFactory Gig

I "officially" joined Twitter on March 27, 2008. I started out like many, excited yet a bit skeptical. I listened, watched, and occasionally engaged. I began following those who were in the email marketing space ... hoping to learn from and share with others who were passionate about email. I can't … [Read more...]

How Many Ways To Say Thank You (Part III – Merci)

As mentioned in my first two posts (1 and 2) in the inaugural "Thank You" series, this blog focuses on people. It's all about people. Similar to Part II, today's list is dedicated to those individuals whom I've never met in real life ... but plan on before 2009 is over. However today's twist is … [Read more...]

How Many Ways To Say Thank You (Part II – Gracias)

As mentioned in my inaugural post - How Many Ways To Say Thank You (Part I - Thanks), this blog is all about people. No better way to kick of this new blog then to publicly recognize (and thank) those who have been integral on my recent path to Director of Community at Blue Sky Factory … [Read more...]

How Many Ways To Say Thank You? (Part I – Thanks)

My entire life has been spent pouring every ounce of energy into every single thing I do - both personally and professionally. From applying to be the next Apprentice to running for School Board in Durham, NC to being the biggest Bronto advocate I could possibly be, I only know one way: All … [Read more...]