Shed the lbs


No. That is not a picture of me.

Nor is it a picture of what I’d like my body to look like.

That being said, I’d rather look closer to what that guy looks like than what I look like today! It’s about time I got in shape again.

I weigh more than I have in my entire life. I could certainly stand to lose 10 or 15 pounds.

But if you know me, you know that I like a good challenge. I also love to do things that motivate others. In the past, I’ve organized 28-day challenges (read the recap of Project GET HEALTHY here). In fact, the last 28-day challenge was nearly a year ago!

This challenge is a bit different.

Instead of a short burst – going “all in” for 28 days in a row – this challenge will have no definitive end date.

However it will have a very specific goal (lose enough weight to be below my target weight) and start date (Thursday, August 1).

Yes. I know “being healthy” is not just about weight. I also know that muscle weighs more than fat. However, I need a goal that is more concrete than “get healthy.” Based on my plan to lose the weight, I’ll be practicing healthy behaviors – eating, exercise, mental health, and so on.

And …

I’d love it if you’d join me.

If you are committed to shedding a few extra pounds, drop your email address in the form below. If you’re not sold (yet) and would like to learn more, scroll to the bottom of this post for the FAQs:

Sign up for "Shed the lbs"!

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Email Format

If you are having trouble with the form about, you can sign up for “Shed the lbs” here. Also, please note that while I’m personally not an advocate for double/confirmed opt-in, I’m using Mailchimp this time around and they require it! Once you fill out the form above, you’ll get an email asking you to confirm your subscription. Click that link if you REALLY want in. Thanks!

FAQS (aka, “What the heck am I about to get myself into???)

Q1: Do I have to give you my email address?
A1: Yes! I’m an email (marketing) guy. That’s the most efficient way for me to communicate all the details of “Shed the lbs” with you! I plan on sending a “welcome” email followed by a weekly update (that’s one email per week). You can unsubscribe at any time!

Q2: Is there a Facebook Group I can join?
A2: Of course! And I’d love to have you join it! Note: It’s a closed group, meaning “Anyone can see the group and who’s in it. Only members see posts.”

Q3: Can I set my own weight loss goals?
A3: Yup! In fact, I’d encourage you to build your own plan, set your own goals. I have created a worksheet that you can use as a guide. Once you sign up, I’ll include a link to it.

Q4: Are you a dietician or other healthcare professional?
A4: Not. At. All. (though my wife is an Ob/GYN). If I do give any advice, it’s just my own perspective based on what I’ve heard and read over the years. Please consult a physician if you have questions!

Q5: Why are you doing this?
A5: Selfishly, I want to lose some weight (and get in shape). I also love when I can organize something that inspires others.

Q6: I’ve participated in your 28-day challenges. How will this be similar? How will it be different?
A6: First off, thank you! It will be similar in that one of the goals is to get healthier. We’ll also have a (closed) Facebook group again. I’ll also be communicating with participants via email. However, instead of a DAILY email, my plan is to send a WEEKLY email.

Q7: What if I think I want to participate, but change my mind (for whatever reason) down the road?
A7: I understand! Simply unsubscribe from the emails and remove yourself from the Facebook group and you’ll be “out.” No hard feelings.

So, are you in? JOIN ME! 

DJ Waldow
Waldow Social