I first heard the equation P = MBA two years ago when my good friend Eric Boggs wrote about it. Eric's post retells the story of a professor who says that formula is the single most important one they will learn in the two years of business school. After just having graduated with my MBA, I agree … [Read more...]

Always Be Learning: From Theory To Practice

Successful people are always learning. The buzz-phrase you often hear is "lifelong learner." (maybe it should be "2.0 learn" per the picture to the right). While I don't love that saying, it does resonate with me for many reasons. It's Impossible To Know It All The only people who really know it … [Read more...]

Michigan 38, Notre Dame 34: The Reaction Video

Yup. I did it. I made a silly bet a few weeks ago. (Fortunately, for my sake, I won.) Notre Dame vs. Michigan I learned a few months ago that a friend and colleague of mine, a one Mr. Andrew Kordek, pulls for the Notre Dame "Fighting" Irish (quotes intentional). I hate ND. I mean I really don't … [Read more...]

A Simple Formula For Meeting Your Goals

Everyone has goals. Whether personal or professional, we all (should) have something we are reaching for. Goals keep us motivated, keep us looking forward, keep us focused. A recent goal of mine was to lose 10 pounds by Labor Day. The Challenge On June 29th, 2009, Cori Mozilo created a Facebook … [Read more...]

Push It: Always Have Fun

Many of my conversations end something like this: Friend: "Have fun." DJ: "I always have fun." I usually reply that way for a few reasons. First, it's different. The "boring" answer is "thanks." Second - and more importantly - is that I really, truly try to always have fun. I mean, why not, right? … [Read more...]

Why Face to Face Always Wins

I love social media. I eat it up. I'm certainly no expert (who is, really?), but I believe in it's awesome power. It's power to connect. It's power to respond. It's power to build and maintain relationships. However, as powerful as social media is there is absolutely nothing that beats *face to … [Read more...]

I’m Proud To (Almost) Be A Kenan-Flagler Business School Alumni

It's all about people. You'll see and read that a lot on this blog. Heck: It's the tagline. This post is dedicated to the entire faculty, staff, current students, and alumni of Kenan-Flagler Business School (University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill). *No. This post is not an attempt to suck up to … [Read more...]

Tan Man

My wife and I spotted "Tan Man" in the line to enter The Wallflowers concert in Salt Lake City on July 19th (Aside: Yes, they have concerts in Salt Lake and yes, there was beer). How can you not love this dude? Tan Man did not start a dance party. There was no Guy #3 or even Guy #2. I can't recall … [Read more...]