The Biggest Time Suck Of All

Original Image Credit: hisgett (modified)

Want to know what the biggest time suck of all time is? Not Facebook. Not Twitter. Not YouTube. (though all 3 can be huge wastes of time: Rabbit holes!) Nope. The biggest time suck of all is ... wait for it ... the dozens of back and forth emails so many of us send to find a mutual … [Read more...]

Corina Manea on Public Relations, Communication, & Getting in Shape

Episode #9! One episode away from double digits. Crazy, I know. Currently living in Madrid, Spain ... by way of Romania (of course), Corina Manea is my first international guest on Living Your Passion. And, as you can imagine, she set the bar high for future non-US-based guests! Corina has a … [Read more...]

Email Subject Lines Matter

I spent the past decade of my life as an "email marketing dude." If you've been following along, you know those days ended a few months ago. But, well, I still think a lot - a LOT - about email. Less about about email marketing and more about email. Personal email. Email as a communication … [Read more...]

Loren McDonald on All Things Green

8 episodes in and already I have my 2nd "McDonald" on the podcast. Crazy, I know. Today's guest, Loren McDonald, is not related to Tim McDonald (guest #3) but is the VP of Industry Relations at Silverpop and can often be found preaching the benefits of email marketing as well as social media and … [Read more...]

Why Most Meetings Suck (and how to make them AWESOME)

Most meetings suck. Am I right or am I right or am I right? Right. Right. Right. <--MUST SEE Groundhog Day clip But they don't have to. Meeting can actually be AWESOME. Before we talk about awesome meetings, let's discuss what makes so many meetings sucky. What Makes Meetings SUCK Off … [Read more...]